The Howard County Baha'i community consists of 22 neighborhoods that are currently grouped together by area:
Ellicott City - Ellicott City South, Dorsey Search, Elkridge
Town Center - Wilde Lake, Beaverbrook, Town Center, Oakland Mills, Harpers Choice
Fulton - Clarksville, Dayton, Fulton, Hickory Ridge, River Hill, Highland
Owen Brown - Owen Brown, Laurel, Kings Contrivance
Lisbon - Lisbon, Ellicott City North, West Friendship
Long Reach - Long Reach, Glenmont
Each neighborhood group gets together for firesides, study circles, devotions, and children's classes as well as other Baha'i events. Neighborhood events are a wonderful opportunity to unite communities.
If you are unsure to which neighborhood you belong and would like advice on a contact point, please email the Secretary of the Local Spiritual Assembly at